STEM Careers
Anthony Gasson
Learning Technologist
Melbourne Polytechnic
We show students how to use technology and solve problems.

Qualifications & Experience
- Cert III Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Mechanical
- Cert III Light Vehicle Maintenance
- Cert IV Workplace Training and Assessing
- Bachelor Education
- Graduate Certificate in Vocational Education
Previous Industries
- Aviation
- Education
Top 5 Skills
- Communication
- Listening
- Continuous Learning
- Problem Solving
- Technical Skills and Knowledge
Current Role
Describe your current role:
“I introduce students and teachers to design thinking and the use of modern technologies. I also manage and maintain the technology and equipment at the tech schools, in particular, the machinery.”
What makes you passionate or excites you about your role?
“Watching young people learn to solve problems and create products which utilise a range of technologies in order to achieve a result they have chosen to focus on.”
What would you look for in a potential candidate if you were hiring for your position?
“Someone with a combination of good communication skills, flexibility, and sound technical knowledge.”
Anthony’s Pathway
“Master the technology available to you and use it to your advantage.”
How did you get where you are today?
“Beginning as an apprentice aircraft maintenance engineer, I spent ten years working on a large variety of private and commercial aircraft, including two years specialising in aircraft piston engines. Along the way, I have had several second jobs such as mobile DJ, bartender, and race director. After ten years in the aviation industry, I decided to return to study to become a high school technology teacher.”
What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?
Staying committed to completing a four-year trade course in spite of a bad work culture. This required resilience, but the payoff was earning the qualification, then leveraging that to find work in a much more rewarding sector in the same industry.
When did you first become interested in your current career / industry?
“While I was living in the UK, there was a huge campaign to attract qualified tradespeople into the education sector. That campaign planted a seed, and after returning to Australia, I decided to commit to education and become a teacher.”
What are the Top 5 Skills for your role and how you did you acquire them?
- Communication – learned through reading, observation and being mentored.
- Listening – learned by lots of practice.
- Continuous learning – achieved by being curious and adventurous.
- Problem solving – adopt an open mindset and lateral thinking.
- Technical skills and knowledge – a foundation learned in trade training then built upon via continuous commitment to learning.
The Future
How has your industry changed in the last 10 years?
“There is more focus on student needs than there was before.”
What kind of changes do you think will happen in your industry in the next 10 years?
“Learning will continue to become more focused toward a students learning styles and interests, helping students build life skills which lead to more versatile career options.”
Do you think your job description will change in the next 10 years?
“This type of job will still exist into the future.”
What type of work or industry would you like to explore in the future?
Aerospace Engineering.
What advice would you give your 15-year-old self?
“Spelling mistakes and bad handwriting do not make you a bad person or limit your ability to lead a successful life. Focus first on the skills which come naturally, build your foundation, then work on developing the skills which are more difficult to learn. Master the technology available to you and use it to your advantage.”